Tour Tips & Guidelines
Detailed below are a few useful tips to help you get the most from your eBike tour.
Please take a few minutes to read them before your tour date

Safe eBiking Tips
Most of your tours will take place on traffic free or very quiet country lanes but it still important to understand the Highway Code and take a look at off road cycling tips. We will always make sure the eBike is set up safely for you before each tour but some cycling knowledge is important
Make sure you have picked a tour that suits your cycling experience / ability
Don't over stretch yourself - ride within your comfort zone
Keep loose let your bike do the work - that is what an eBike is for
Stay seated change gear if pedalling becomes difficult
Look for gear change messages on your Kiox 300
When going downhill shift weight & brake consistently
rather than sharply -
Maintain momentum keep pedalling when on more difficult terrain
Keep in a rut if it has steep sides
Careful on corners not too fast
Use hand signals on roads
If a road is too busy push on pavement for a short distance
Garmin GPS Usage
All tours have been created as GPX files and on every tour at least one eBike will have a Bike Sat Nav that works pretty much the same as a car satnav. Here are some usage tips to make sure you do not get lost
Follow the Blue line on the map
Ensure your location arrow is on that Blue line
Look at the Green bar at the top for next turn
If using a road will Green Bar will show name
Listen for the beep - this is when to turn
Sometime Green Bar shows directions for the
next turn while still completing current turn -
Watch the Blue line to confirm route if unsure
Only works up to100 metres off route
Dotted line shows you way back to route
If lost use OS Mao / Directions to return to route
Battery Management
Battery usage will vary dependant on mode, terrain, weight & usage. Our 625KW batteries will always be fully charged & have the basic capacity for every tour. Detailed opposite are some useful tips
Keep an eye on top left - Battery % left
Top right shows current mode
Garmin will show distance completed / left
AUTO is great for shorter tours
If you get to less than 50% & less than 50%
covered start to look at Battery Management -
ECO will help preserve the battery
Battery charger in panniers in an emergency
but should not be needed -
Only the bigger hills where you need TURBO or AUTO